Thursday, February 13 – Monda,y February 17, 2024
Location: All Saints of North America Orthodox Church Sun City, AZ
(In-person limited to 30 spots)
(Online participants are limited to 100 spots)
With the blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill, a “Liturgical Practicum” will be convened from 13-17 February 2025 (President’s Day Weekend) in Phoenix, AZ. This is the inaugural practicum, with the intention, that it will become an annual event.
The event is open to:
all potential candidates to ordination.
all readers and subdeacons who wish to increase their liturgical knowledge in both praxis and theory.
all deacons who wish to gain liturgical knowledge in praxis and academics.
all priests who have not had, or completed, an academic theological education.
all priests who wish to increase their liturgical knowledge.
We, in the Los Angeles area, are suffering the greatest devastation in our history, with thousands of homes destroyed and countless people "unhomed." We ask for your prayers to the Lord and to the Most Holy Mother of God in this time of sorrow...
Many of us are aware of the devastating fires that have struck the Los Angeles area and Southern California this week. Tens of thousands of acres burned; cities and neighborhoods leveled; lives lost and miles of decimation. It is in these moments that Orthodox Christians need to demonstrate the spiritual fortitude given to them, by the Grace of God, to help all those in need.
First, I call upon the flock of the Western American Diocese to pray for an end to the suffering caused by the horrible infernos. “It is vital to continue in prayer for as long as we can, so that His invincible strength may penetrate and enable us to resist every destructive influence” - St. Sophrony of Essex.
Your Graces the archpastors, all-honourable presbyters and deacons, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters,
Offering praise to God glorified in the Trinity and sharing with all of you the joy of this feast, I convey to you, the Orthodox children of our Church living in Russia and other countries of the Moscow Patriarchate’s pastoral responsibility, my heartfelt greetings on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, which is the celebration of the Maker’s incarnate love for His creation, the fulfillment of the promise of the Son of God’s coming into the world and the hope for salvation and life eternal.
A great and most glorious wonder is wrought today: A Virgin giveth birth, yet her womb suffereth no corruption! The Word is incarnate, yet is not separated from the Father! Angels give glory in company with shepherds; and with them we cry out: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men! (Sticheron of the Feast). With these words the Church bears witness to the mysterious event which occurred more than two thousand years ago in the cave in Bethlehem and altered the entire further course of world history. It is with a sense of amazement and awe that we incline the knees of our hearts before this mystery of the Divine plan for salvation, incomprehensible to human mind. It is with gratitude that we accept this sacrificial gift of the Maker and Provider, for it pleased Him to do so for our sake, and confess His grace, proclaim His mercy, conceal not His gracious deeds (cf.: the Great Blessing of Water).
Eminent brother-archpastors, reverend fathers,
Beloved brothers, sisters, and children in the Lord!
With a feeling of rejoicing in the Newborn Christ, I greet my brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, monastics, and all the faithful children of the Russian Church Abroad with the feast of Christ’s Nativity, salvific for the world, the Theophany, and the New Year 2025, fervently wishing everyone all-strengthening joy in the Son of God’s coming into the world.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. (Luke 2:14)
Your Graces, Reverend-Fathers and beloved in Christ!