Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
The Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco Marks Its Feast Day and 70th Anniversary

On Monday November 4th, 2019, the Rector and community of the Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco celebrated their Patronal Feast. It was marked by many preparations as the parish was also observing the 70th Anniversary from its foundation.

Presiding at the Divine Liturgy was Archimandrite James Bishop-elect of Sonora. Concelebrating with him were Archpriest Vladimir Derugin, Abbot Juvenile (Rector), Archpriest Paul Volmensky and Archpriest Philip Halliwell, and Deacon Edward Anderson.

After the Liturgy His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America performed the molebin with the clergy, and then from the ambo Archdeacon Peter (Karakozoff) recited a Benedictory Tribute from the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, in which was congratulated the clergy and community of the Church of the Kazan Mother of God with the 70th Anniversary from its foundation.

Many preparations had been underway in the course of the year as the parish made ready for this day. The church building was covered with a new roof, along with dry rot repairs, etc. The exterior of the church was freshly painted in a new, blue color. The crosses on the domes were refurbished and a week prior to the celebration liturgical bells arrived; just in time for the Patronal Feast Day.

A festal meal was prepared in the church hall at which time parishioners and guests performed a concert of Russian romances.

Congratulations to Abbot Juvenile and all of the members of the community with the wonderful accomplishments in preserving the church building and increasing its beauty, joining into the work and perpetuating the life of the parish, which began 70 years ago.

Archbishop Kyrill bestows Synodal Benedictory Tribute

(31 images)

Text of the Synodal Benedictory Tribute

Benedictory Tribute of the Synod of Bishops

of the Russian Church Abroad to
Abbot Juvenile, clergy, parishioners and pious visitors of the
Church of the “Kazan” Icon of the Mother of God
San Francisco

In light of the zealous, longstanding and salvific service of the Rectors, clergy, church wardens, members of the Church Parish Council, sisters, choir conductors and singers, the parishioners and pious visitors of the Church of the Mother of God of Kazan in San Francisco and in connection with the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Parish, we express to you the gratitude of the Synod of Bishops and invoke upon you God’s blessing, prayerfully wishing all of you stout health and prosperity in you parish life and in your righteous works to the glory of God and the Russian Church Abroad.

As a witness of this you are presented with this Benedictory Tribute duly signed and rightly affixed with the Synod’s Seal in the God-preserved city of New York on September 29/October 12, 2019, the day of memory of the Opening of the relics of Holy Hierarch John Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker.

Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Signatures of the members of the Synod of Bishops


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