On November 11/24 , 2014, our Ruling Bishop, His Eminence Archbishop Kyril,l marked his 60th Birthday.
Heartfelt congratulations are offered from the Diocesan Council, clergy and all the faithful of the Western American Diocese on the occasion of this Jubilee with wishes of health and length of days to Vladyka Kyrill in service to our Diocese.
His Holiness KIRIL Patriarch of Moscow and All of Russia congratulates His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill with his Birthday, as do others. See below.
To His Eminence Kyrill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America:
Your Eminence!
I offer you my heart-felt congratulations upon the occasion of your 60th Birthday.
From childhood, having chosen the path of service to Christ, you have fully devoted yourself to the Lord and His Holy Church. Having received the necessary theological education, you decisively handed yourself over to Divine Providence and took upon yourself monastic vows. Seeing your zeal and desire to serve Him in Spirit and Truth, God has called you to apostolic work.
Over 20 years have passed since the archpastoral omophorion has been placed upon your shoulders. With humility and meekness all these years you have performed various archpastoral labors in the San Francisco diocese. While continuing the work of ever-memorable Vladyka Anthony you have witnessed to the beauty and truth of Orthodoxy and carry the light of the Gospel to those who dwell on the North American continent.
Bearing in mind your zealous archpastoral service and in connection with your 60th Birthday I bestow upon you a commemorative panagia.
I prayerfully wish you good health, unfailing joy in Christ Jesus and God’s speed in your further endeavors to the glory of the Holy Trinity and to the profit of Mother-Church.
The original can be read here (in Russian).
From the Head of the Russian Imperial House
To His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America
Your Eminence!
I sincerely congratulate you with your Sixtieth Birthday!
The Lord has called you to service upon the Cathedra which once was occupied by the great Russian Hierarch John (Maximovich), who was manifest as a faithful spiritual friend, man of prayer and guide to my August Grandfather, Grandmother, Father and Mother. Recalling unfailingly the great strength of Christian love of your holy predecessor, you always strive to preserve his inheritance and nourish your flock with his testimony.
I deeply value your contribution to the establishment of unity within the Russian Orthodox Church, your profound understanding of the mission of Our Royal House and your unshakeable fidelity to the ideals and values of legitimate Orthodox Monarchy.
With all my soul I wish you health, length of days and God’s succour in your labours, for the good of the Holy Church and the Fatherland.
My son and heir, Grand Duke Georgi Mihailovich, joins me in offering you these congratulations.
Beseeching your Archpastoral prayers and blessing, I remain before Your Eminence ever well-inclined and filled with sincere love.
Madrid, 11/24 of November, 2014
Origianl here (in Russian).
Decree No 2/BII-IV-2014
By God’s Grace
Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna
Head of the Russian Imperial House
Supreme Chief of Russian Imperial and Royal Orders
As a recompense for merits rendered unto the Fatherland, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Imperial House and as witness to Our particular favour, it was found fair to graciously bestow the Imperial Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir Grand Prince of Russia
II Degree
To His Eminence KYRILL (Dmitrieff),
Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America
Origianl here (in Russian)
To His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of Western America and San Francisco:
Your Eminence!
Dear in the Lord, Master!
Bless, please!
On behalf of all of the clergy and faithful of the Southern Deanery of the Western American Diocese and myself, please accept our congratulations, dear Vladyko, with your Birthday.
Today by the mercy of God you have turned 60 years of age and all of your faithful children rejoice that the Lord has given you so many years of zealous service to the Holy Church and wisdom in guiding the diocese, and also in your performance of the important obedience as Secretary of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.
We pray that the Almighty will send down upon you every good, strength of soul and body for the benefit of the Holy Church and its faithful people.
Many and good years to you, holy Master.
Is polla eti, Despota!
Imploring your holy prayers and archpastoral blessing,
Archpriest Alexander Lebedeff
11/24 of November, 2014
The original can be read here (in Russian).
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