Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Addresses the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia addresses the Fullness of the Russian Orthodox Church.


"There can be nothing more important for us today than the continuing fratricide which is blazing on the territory of Ukraine, taking away more and more lives."

"May special prayers for peace and the overcoming of internecine war tirelessly be made in all our churches, the text of which I gave my blessing today."


O Lord Jesus Christ our God, look down with Thy merciful eye upon the tribulation and much-suffering cry of Thy children in the Ukrainian Land.

Deliver Thy people from civil war, quench the pouring of blood, and turn away looming sorrows. Lead into homes those deprived of shelter, console those who weep, unite those who are divided.

Do not allow Thy flock, vexed by their own kin, to diminish, but as Thou art compassionate be quick to grant reconciliation. Soften stoney hearts and bring all to the knowledge of Thee. Grant peace to Thy Church and its faithful children, that with one heart and one mouth we may glorify Thee, our Lord and Savior unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Read the text of the Address here.

Video of the Patriarch's Address (in Russian)

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