Western American Diocese
Western American Diocese
Saint Martin Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, is Inviting Youth for Work and Recreation

A Youth Project sponsored by the Youth Department of the Western American Diocese at Saint Martin Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, is being held from Tuesday June 17 to Thursday June 19, 2014. The event includes paver installation, painting and landscaping, together with social time and an all-day outing to the Oregon Coast. There is no charge for participation in this event. All expenses (excepting travel to and from Corvallis) will be covered by the parish and/or the WAD Youth Department.

St. Martin Orthodox Church in Corvallis, Oregon, is in the process of constructing a new Parish Hall, which will provide facilities for social, educational, and cultural activities that currently take place in the homes of members or at third-party sites.

The project has benefited from the efforts of many volunteers, both professional contractors and plain willing workers. This June, there will be a WAD Youth Project where youth will have an opportunity to contribute to the growth of our Church in the Northwest by helping to construct this hall.

See detailed information and the registration form here.

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